Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
- Review - Death in Advertising by Laura Bradford
- Top 10 Tues - Authors I've Met & Want to Meet
- Cover Reveal - Confessions of a Former Puck Bunny by Cindi Madsen
- Best of the Bunch - March 2017
- Review - Fallen Woman by Stephie Walls
- Book Tour + Review - Silence of the Jams by Gayle Leeson
- Review + Guest Post - Occult and Battery by Lena Gregory
- Feature Follow Friday
- 5 Things on Sunday
- a new blog design
- a daily sales blitz from Embrace for the Best Book Boyfriends Ever
Bought (Kindle)
Bought (Paperback/Hardback)
For Review
This week has just been kind of blah to be quite honest. Over the last three weeks we have spent over $900 in repairs on my husband's car and it still isn't running right. I'm not sure how much longer he's going to be able to drive it. We can't keep pouring money into it like that since our savings is almost empty now. On top of that, now my van is having problems. I'm afraid to even find out what is wrong with it because more than likely we aren't going to have the money to fix it now. Ugh. I'm just ready for this to stop. It's causing so much stress. :(
On a good note, I am super proud of my sons, Chris and Logan. They got their report cards on Friday and they both made A/B Honor Roll. They've maintained the honor roll all year up to this point and I'm so proud of them for doing so well.
Another highlight for me this week was loving on my babies at work (I work in childcare at my church). Since I've been working there for a year and a half now, I've really formed a bond with the children that come to the services and classes that need childcare. The last couple times I've worked, L and P (twins) have ran up to me and gave me a hug and loved on me. They usually aren't very touchy feel-y so that just melted my heart. They were 6 months old when I started working there and they are 2 now, so I've pretty much got to watch them grow up. <3 I love those kids like they were my own.
What's new with you this week?
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