Hosted by Tynga's Reviews

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
- Release Blitz - Love Happens Anthology
- Bout of Books 19
- Release Blitz + Review - Dropout by Jamie Schlosser
- Best of the Bunch - April 2017
- Book Tour + Review - Til Dirt Do Us Part by Teresa Trent
- Top 10 Tuesday
- book reviews from my TBR
- a discussion post if I'm brave enough to post my first one (so nervous!)
Kindle - Bought
Kindle - Freebies
Kindle - For Review
Nothing much really happened this week. We've just been hanging out around the house and spending time together as a family.
When I got to work on Tuesday night, I found out that the twins that we keep regularly will be gone for 3 months to Germany. Watching them every week over the last year and a half, I've really formed a bond with L and P. I had to keep myself from getting emotional when it was time for them to be picked up to leave. I'm going to miss them so much! Things just won't be the same without them around.
On Saturday we took the kids to our local bowling alley for the Kids Fest that they were having that day. They hold this event once or twice a year. All children under 15 get a free hour of bowling and free shoe rental and certain food/snacks and drinks in the concession stand are only $1. We try to take Chris and Logan whenever they have it because it's a super cheap and fun way to get out of the house and have something to do.
The boys had a blast. They offer bowling leagues for the youth, so we are thinking of signing Chris up for it this summer since he showed some interest in it. They teach the kids proper technique and things like that. It sounds like a lot of fun and a great program so we're going to go to the information meeting in a couple weeks and check it out.
Saturday night childcare at church was a little different this week. Our usual worker in the K-5 room wasn't there this week, so it was just me and Isabel in the childcare room (We have birth - 5 in our room). Isabel and I didn't have any kids shown up for our room, but a little girl that's usually in the K-5 room was there so she got to stay with us this week. She's usually really shy and quiet but she opened up to us pretty quickly. Toward the end, she started laughing at something and couldn't stop. It was so funny. She'd just burst into giggles every couple minutes. It kept things fun and interesting. :)

This has definitely been me lately! My memory has been horrible the past few months. I can put something down and then literally a few minutes later, I've already forgotten where I put it. Ugh!